Known Bugs
If there are any lines/bugs below that are green, then they have been resolved. In this case go to the updates page to download the update.
- With MySQL Server v4.1.18 there is an issue with new line characters. They will be displayed as '\r\n'. - v2.0.1
- Error: 'Cannot connect to MySQL server'. Actual error is too many connections. - v2.0.3
- When settings module properties and there is no groups in read/write access an error is produced but the changes will have been successful. - v2.1
- Cannot delete children - v2.1
- Not using 'repeat not' - v2.0.1
- On certain days, with certain rooms, you will receive an error message stating that the room is not available - v2.0.2
- After clicking on 'Book' for a future date, you will be returned to the current day instead of the future date - v2.0.3
- It is possible to have a double booking when booking repeat entries. Only work when both repeat entries overlap on a repeat day and not the initial booking - v2.0.4
- The locations for booking a room or asset are separate/different. There is no difference from booking a room than booking an asset, therefore you cannot decipher whether the booking is for a location or an asset. This becomes a problem when viewing and editing booking that are for assets as the locations are stored separately.
- Cannot remove asset bookings - v2.2
- When editing asset bookings the location keeps changing - v2.2
- After editing an asset booking, the location changes to 'room booking' locations - v2.2
- When viewing an asset you cannot click a date in the dropdown box as the result shows no assets to book. - v2.2
IT HelpDesk
none reported
Premises HelpDesk
none reported
none reported
- An error message is displayed when attempting to add an event that ends in a future month. - v2.1
IT Inventory
none reported
none reported
Work Experience
- If you edit a student and not the company then you will receive an error message, but it has actually worked